
I’m a web developer working in JavaScript, React, and Node. Driven by a curiosity for understanding how things work, I learn quickly and excel in fast-paced environments.

After completing my bachelor's degree, I moved to New York where I landed my first permanent role at a startup. I immediately found myself in an environment where innovation was encouraged and where I saw designers and developers working on products used by employees, contractors, and clients across the company.

This experience planted a seed in my mind, and a desire to explore programming hasn't left it since. In 2018, I moved to Colorado and started the Full Stack Web Development bootcamp at the University of Denver.

Since finishing the bootcamp, I've focused on sharpening my knowledge of algorithms, data structures, and other computer science topics. With this goal, it made sense to learn back end languages (I chose Go and Java). I love working on the back end but am equally excited by intuitive and efficient UI. In the future, I hope to grow into a full stack role.

Technologies & Tools

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SASS
  • Bootstrap
  • Materialize
  • React
  • Redux
  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • Golang
  • Express.js
  • SQL
  • MySQL
  • MongoDB
  • Git
  • Github
MeetUp Clone

I am currently working on this project, which is a full stack web app with a Go back end and React front end. Check out the code so far here!

Language Analyzer

Uses IBM's NLU API to analyze text based on keywords, categories, or emotions. Created with Go, Echo for the web server, and React.

Github Live
Budget App

Command line app allowing the user to add, view, update, and delete budgets and transactions linked to those budgets. Built with Go, MySQL, and SQL.

Cyber Quiz

App designed to quiz the user on online privacy basics. Built with React, Node, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, JSON Web Tokens, bcrypt, and PassportJS.

Github Live
Shelter Manager

Built in a team of 6, this app enables animal shelters to manage incoming animals and donations. Tools used include: React, MongoDB, Mongoose, AuthO, pdfkit, Bootstrap

Github Live
Google Books Search

Full Stack (MERN) app that allows users to search and save books from the Google Books API. Built with MongoDB, Mongoose, React, Express, Foundation, and Socket.io.

Github Live
Click Challenge

Beatles-themed memory app created with React. The goal of the game is to get the highest score possible without clicking an album cover more than once.

Github Live
News Scraper

App made with MongoDB, Mongoose, and Cheerio that scrapes and displays headlines from Wired.com, allowing the user to star and comment on each one.

Github Live
Liri Bot

Node CLI that provides a range of information about movies, concerts, songs, translations, and quotes. APIs used: Spotify, BandsInTown, OMDB, and IBM Language Translator.
